When you think about it, the very fabric of existence is and was built upon growth. The concept that things become bigger, stronger, and greater with time and effort.
People start life as infants and grow into adults, countries built upon finding land, flowers bloom, relationships get stronger and god created earth in seven days. Growth requires time, persistence, courage and effort.
Not everybody considers growth. Some people like take life as it is; not looking to make situations better or improve upon anything; that’s a sad way to view and live life. Growth is a central part of learning, creating, and fulfillment. When we talk about improving in an art form, growth is a key concept for you to realize your full potential.
Lifelong Learner (Growth Mindset)
So depending where your head is at or what your mindset is. You’ll view your growth, the concept that whatever initial intelligence and talent you have, you can improve upon as either: “well yeah of course”, “never really thought it about it, but it seems like it could work” or “that’s just a waste of time”. At the least, I hope you’re not in the last group. Either way A growth mindset is something that anyone can develop and acquire.
The growth mindset was a concept founded by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, in her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, she discusses the idea in-depth. Read the book or look up some information online on the concept. Here is a quote from Carol Dweck: “In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.”
Having the right internalized belief about improving abilities (a growth mindset) is what will make you want to continue improve with time and perseverance! In life you can always get better. You should never get complacent. There is always a bigger fish, a bigger pond, a stronger person you can become, a better place you can be, a better song you can make, a stronger business. You can always learn more, you can always become greater. I can always become a better producer, dancer and story-teller. Growth is a beautiful lifelong process that we can all be grateful for.
Here is a (video) quick primer for the concept of the growth mindset and its opposing mindset:
Shape Your Path
With the art of the growth, it’s your responsibility to create your own path. Nothing is ever set in stone and you can always carve out the path you want to walk on. In order to work the art of growth, you have to put the work in, while also having the right mindset and desire to do so.
You want become a better speaker, present more speeches and reflect on how you can do better after each one. You want to get better at playing an instrument, play that instrument everyday till you know it inside in out. The more time you put into your craft the more the craft gives back; its relationship between your unique investment in the craft and what you learn from the craft. The way two people grow could be similar but never exactly the same. You have to find what works best for you. You have to experiment and discover what is you want to learn and master. You have to find that groove of hard work that balances with whatever else you have going on in your life.
It all starts with you making the choice to become persistence and consistent with you want to make greater. An ideal balance of what you’re growing and the other parts of your life wont be realized at first. But when you put in massive amounts of hard work, your cause or craft will soon evolve with your life. Your balance will be found, you will have created a path of growth.
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger!
Growth is scary at times. There will be failures, mistakes and setbacks that you’ll face, but it’s all a part of the learning process. The art of growth requires you challenge yourself to improve. These challenges you will face allow you to learn more, it’s an opportunity to grow. You embrace the obstacles you face; you know that with effort you can overcome it.
Here is quote from Carol Dweck:
“Why waste time proving over and over how great you are, when you could be getting better? Why hide deficiencies instead of overcoming them? Why look for friends or partners who will just shore up your self-esteem instead of ones who will also challenge you to grow? And why seek out the tried and true, instead of experiences that will stretch you? The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives.”
And two quotes from Michael Jordan:
“If you’re trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”
and a personal favorite quote
“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.”
Don’t be discouraged by failure; it’s part of the growing pains. With the art of growth, you become better by applying what you learn from your experience. In your growth you will inevitably get better with the more work you put in.
The Cycle of Growth
There is a pattern in the art of growth. The art of growth involves understanding, application, and experience. You go through of the process of trying things out, learning from what works and what doesn’t work and then again gaining more insight and experience. You create of cycle of growth that will enable you increase your abilities in something. Now with learning and deliberate practice I’m not saying that everyone will become amazing at whatever it is they try. What I’m telling you is that you don’t know you until you put in the work.
Like I said before everyone has to create their own path and that it’s up to you find what works best for you. What cause or craft will you dedicate your life to bring value to the world?
Here is another quote from Carol Dweck:
“In this mindset, the hand you’re dealt is just the starting point for development. This growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Although people may differ in every which way — in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments — everyone can change and grow through application and experience.
Do people with this mindset believe that anyone can be anything, that anyone with proper motivation or education can become Einstein or Beethoven? No, but they believe that a person’s true potential is unknown (and unknowable); that it’s impossible to foresee what can be accomplished with years of passion, toil, and training.”
So you may very well posses the ability to become amazing at what you do, but you have to firmly believe that you can improve at it and put it the hard work. To be better than yesterday, to not be too caught up in the hype of your current level, to see greater things of yourself and to put in the work to get there, to always learn; that is the art of growth.
Move & inspire,
Alex Gomes
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