In today’s podcast we talk about the voice. The instrument everyone has on them at all times. I talk about some of ways the voice  can communicate and how important it is to use the voice for all of its worth, whether that be in belting out a ballad or conversing with a dear friend. The voice is a powerful tool and instrument. Let’s all strive to use it to our best ability; so the world can sound richer and fuller.

Take a listen to Podcast #2:

Podcast #2: “Use Your Voice” Show Notes



– Familarity
– Complexity
– Quality

Use It
– Speak Up
– Articulate
– Animate
– Energy
– Bounce


Podcast #2: Transcript

Hi everyone! So today we have podcast #2. Now in this one I’m going to talk about a very, unique…interesting…and familiar instrument to us…it’s our voice. Now I’m going be talking about it, more in terms of speaking, communicating to people, you know one another. But a lot of it relates to signing, performing vocals, rapping, you know all that. Because there’s things, like the way…how you say something, the mood, the quality of your voice, how you phrase things that relate a lot to performing vocals. But today I’m going to be focusing more on, how people speak with one another.

Now like I said before, the voice is a very familiar sound to us. That’s why in a lot of instrumentation, arrangements, you’ll hear vocal sounds, choirs, the sound of a voice signing a harmony or a melody. And you know a full song has lyrics has people saying something that brings everything together to make a song. And then without that it’s called an instrumental, or a score. So the sound of a voice is very familiar to us and it’s so complex, there is a lot you can do with it.

Everyone has a certain quality to their voice, and every voice has unique characteristics that define that voice. And some have it strengths and weakness. Some voices sound very bassy, some voices are very animated…some voices off the bat for whatever reason undescribeably just catch our attention. And there is a lot, if you haven’t really thought about it, you can do with your voice to be a little bit more aware of how you’re communicating with your voice that can add impact. And also as a topic, you know sound, especially the voice; it’s a very interesting subject matter to talk about it.

Now there is a whole lot you can say about what you can do with the voice. There’s books, and classes, and seminars done on how you can use the voice, but I’m going to focus on a few that you can start doing today, that’ll improve the way you speak, and if your singer or mc, you know it’ll help your performance

So for instance, one is to speak up. And this is something that relates to effort, you have to have a desire to want to speak that person. If you’re not being heard or understood, it makes you seem lazy, it just doesn’t say a  lot of good things about you if the person speaking to can’t understand you a lot of the time or even some of the time. Being able to clearly speak to another person says a lot good things about you, so you got to speak up loudly.

And this leads into another good point which is to articulate. Some of the teachers that I’ve had have said chew those words, grind those words, and really say those words.

And don’t worry too much about whether or not the person cares about what you say or be too self-conscious, because you know if you say it right, people will listen and care.

Some other things are to be animated. Vary the way you say things. Talk low pitch or high pitch. When you animate your voice…this something very hard, for me at least ,to describe…If you ever hear something on the radio, people talking in a film or show; their good at using their voices, their very animated in how they speak. So yeah, some of things like rate, the rhythm, the pacing, when you pause, your pitch, so not being monotone but varying up your voice up a bit and how your feeling; the emotions you’re going through. And that relates to personality. So some people communicate a lot of what their feeling through your voice and others don’t and some people let a little bit known what their feeling in their voice. It all just depends on how you communicate and how you want to communicate.

And there are also things like how much energy you’re putting into your voice, like being excited! And this something, I’m not the really best at. I’m more of a laid back kind of person. But you know there’s some people…it’s not bad thing to be really energetic and all over the place, kids are like that, there crazy…in a good way. And energy levels, as long you have a good amount, it helps communication. And also the voices of women, women for the most part have very energetic, animated voices; it’s a joy to listen to. If you listen to some the voices of some women, it evokes a spark, and not just because of attraction, but because it sounds nice. I’ve met women before who have wonderful voices that I wasn’t all that attracted to. Some voices, you know they sound good. And it doesn’t hurt to have a nice sounding voice. I just wanted point out that depending who you are there are certain vocal qualities that…you know men usually have bassy voices, kids have energetic, animated voices along with women, but with a different sort of texture. And that’s another thing; our ears are very sensitive to texture. So it’s not all about loudness, but how certain things sound and all the layers that go along with it.

And last but not least before I wrap this up , is bounce. Now this is something too that is very hard to describe. It’s a certain way…it’s relates to music, rhythm……certain.things..the way they.bounce. And it’s a very distinct vocal characteristic. And it definitely adds to the impact of what you’re trying to get across, what you want to communicate.

Speaking should be fun, when you’re talking to somebody, giving a presentation, whatever it may be…talking is fun. Use your voice…use it to its full potential. The best you can get out of your voice, because everyone can do more with their voice and get better. Some people learn that and improve upon expressing and others don’t. It’s all up to how much you want to communicate, how you much you want to get across, how much you want express and the desire to get better at it. I want to thank you for taking a listen. I’m ready to wrap this up. This has been Alex Gomes from (formerly again thank you for listening, I will talk you in the next one. Hope you have great weekend and happy holidays.

Move & inspire,

Alex Gomes

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Music Featured In This Podcast:

“Voice That Got To Flow” Instrumental (Produced By Alex Gomes)

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